You may think you know your internet, but much of what is passed about as truth is often out of date or even pure fiction. As the premier provider of high-speed internet service for rural communities in Central California, we thought it was time for some debunking....
How the internet can help cut down on screen time
As the days get shorter and nights get longer, you might notice an increase in your family’s screen time. While epic gaming and binging Netflix are OK now and again, too much time staring at a screen can be damaging for everything from health to mood to even...
California vineyards and high-speed internet – a perfect pairing
How technology can help make a better wine It takes a perfect synergy of elements to make a great wine. The right kind of soil, perfect weather conditions, healthy grapes and a productive harvest are all part of the process. While winemaking has been around for...
The Overlooked Advantages of Softcom
Our ability to provide strong and speedy internet connections is about much more than just towers and techies. We’ve got a lot going on behind the scenes that helps us stand out from the crowd. From in-person customer service with people who feel like family, to...
6 Scary Things That Can Slow Your Internet Down
Sudden slow-downs in internet speed, especially right in the middle of an important project, can be very frustrating. Lagging speeds can be the result of any number of issues. Luckily, many of them can be solved at home without calling in a swat team of IT experts....
Busted! Wireless carriers caught putting the squeeze on streaming speeds. Here’s why Softcom will never do the same
A disturbing report showing a trend among wireless carriers of throttling down on streaming speeds for their customers – just because they can – has stirred up talks about net neutrality again. A few months ago we shared our thoughts online about the Federal...
How to create strong passwords
Breaking news about hacking attacks and network breaches just keep rolling in – Equifax, Yahoo!, MyFitnessPal, the list goes on. We’ve become accustomed to seeing these breaches in the news regarding large companies, but what about your own security? Obviously, this...
New study predicts over 5 million will cut cord in 2018
A recent report that studied the TV watching and cord-cutting behaviors of viewers in the Unites States highlights the acceleration of people choosing to terminate their paid-TV services at such a rate that they predict that by the end of 2018 nearly 5.4 million...
Top free organization apps and online resources
Your internet does a lot more than stream television and check email. With an internet connection you have the capability to access high-quality, high-tech resources for everything from health and fitness to organization to self-improvement. Apps and other online...
How to lower your electricity bills this summer
Summer’s heat can be fun when you’re heading to the beach or out for a picnic, but not so much fun when it comes to utility bills. It makes sense that as energy use goes up during the summer, so does your bills. That’s why we’ve put together this list of easy ways to...
How summer heat can affect your internet
Summer heat – it wilts flowers, melts ice cream, and makes your internet stop working. Two of these statements are true, but the last one not so much. While summer heatwaves can affect your internet, it’s not a common issue and usually easily addressed. Here’s how...
Fixed Internet vs. Satellite for Rural Internet Access
In the past when rural homes or businesses wanted internet access, their only option was satellite service. While it was quick and easy to install, the downside was incredibly slow service resulting from data being transmitted to and from an orbiting satellite. As...
How the digital divide affects your life
Is your life affected by the digital divide? Rural communities are one of the groups most affected by this phenomenon, but new technologies and awareness of the issues is helping to close the gap slowly. In fact, providing internet access to people who live in rural...
What do I need to protect my home while I’m away?
Summer is a great time to get away, but empty homes can be a magnet for thieves and trouble. Studies show that burglaries happen more often in the summer than in the winter, a number that makes sense considering windows or doors often left open to let in the warm...
Secrets for a smoother customer support experience
We get it, when things go wrong, calling a tech support line isn’t at the top of your list. Long wait times, bouncing from person to person, and frustrating non-answers are common with other industry help desks. But here at Softcom, we’ve taken all of that out of the...
Softcom Plans for Fun Summer Events Near You
Softcom team members will be attending a variety of fun and festive events in our community this summer and we hope you’ll meet us there. Representatives will be staffing booths and meeting with community members in person to share information about our company, our...
New tower upgrades coming to Herald West, Acampo
The good news just keeps rolling in and we’re happy to share the progress of our latest technology and equipment improvements. The 4G LTE upgrades we announced last month for the Herald East tower have been completed and local Softcom customers are sending us positive...
Exciting news: The Galt fiber optic cable installation project is a go!
We’re excited to share with you some exciting news: The Galt City Council has unanimously approved for Softcom to provide the City of Galt government with high-speed Internet access delivered by fiber-optic cable, a project that will provide nearly every city facility...
Tips to avoid identity theft online
Identity theft continues to be a major concern, especially for those who shop or do business online. In fact, identity theft hit a record high in 2017, with more than 16.7 million people affected, according to recently released statistics. As consumers have become...
Turning our competitors’ mistakes into our successes
There’s an old saying that instead of looking at something as a mistake, look at it as an opportunity to make something even better. It’s no secret that we are constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of our service – and sometimes we’ve found that they best...