How to use technology for self-improvement goals

How to use technology for self-improvement goals

We’re a few months into 2020 – how are your resolutions holding up? If you need some help with self-improvement goals this year, we’ve rounded up a list of the top tech, apps, and ideas that are great for helping you stick to your goals all year long. YouTube Much...
The hidden dangers of pop-up internet providers

The hidden dangers of pop-up internet providers

Pop-up shops are nothing new if you’re talking about sunglass kiosks in the mall or specialty chocolate shops at the holidays. But pop-up internet providers are a whole different ballgame. Before falling under the seductive spell of super-low pricing, it’s important...
How power outages affect your internet access

How power outages affect your internet access

One of the best early warning systems of a Wifi internet outage is children. “What happened to the Wifi?!” is a cry well-known to parents, educators and the like and the most vocal heads up you can get that your wireless internet access recently stopped working....
What is COVID-19: Details and mythbusters about the Coronavirus

What is COVID-19: Details and mythbusters about the Coronavirus

It’s all around us, but with non-stop news reports, emails, social media and old-fashioned gossip inundating us with random facts and figures every minute, it’s easy to get overwhelmed trying to sort through all the information about what coronavirus COVID-19 really...
How Softcom is responding to COVID-19

How Softcom is responding to COVID-19

To our friends and customers, First and foremost, we want to send you our wishes for the health and safety of you and your family, and our thanks for your continued patronage.  As a company, Softcom is adjusting to these unprecedented circumstances we face as a...
Studies show dangers of secondhand screen time

Studies show dangers of secondhand screen time

We’ve grown up hearing about the dangers of secondhand smoke, but did you know there’s such a thing as secondhand screen time? Yes, it’s a thing, and it’s dangerous too. Research has shown that how much parents use their technology within sight of children might be...