Advanced social media safety tips

Advanced social media safety tips

If you’re a serious social media user, you’ve probably got some basic safety protocols already in place. But we feel that you can never be too safe, so for all you savvy social users we’ve rounded up some advanced tactics to guard your safety both online and off. Tip...
Safer Internet Day tips for online safety

Safer Internet Day tips for online safety

From cyberbullying to cybercrime, the annual Safer Internet Day event is proclaimed to raise awareness of emerging online issues and promote safer internet experiences. If you leave your smart phone unlocked or use passwords like “abc123” you might start thinking...
Top 5 Tips for Social Media Safety

Top 5 Tips for Social Media Safety

You may be on the lookout for phishing and other illegal scams in your inbox, but email isn’t the only place that targets people these days. Social media, a place where many people spend a lot of time, can also pose dangers to users who aren’t on their guard. These...
NYT Investigation Unveils Shocking Smartphone Tracking Practices

NYT Investigation Unveils Shocking Smartphone Tracking Practices

Most of us have wondered, at one time or another, if smartphone tracking is being done to us. Truth is… it probably is! The New York Times released an interesting, in-depth investigation about who is tracked in the United States via personal smartphones and how...
Best apps for holiday fun, family and safety

Best apps for holiday fun, family and safety

While we do highly recommend unplugging from your phones and tech when celebrating with friends and family this holiday season, sometimes the right app might turn out to be a lifesaver. So just in case, we’ve provided a list of some of the best apps that might come in...