Breaking news about hacking attacks and network breaches just keep rolling in – Equifax, Yahoo!, MyFitnessPal, the list goes on. We’ve become accustomed to seeing these breaches in the news regarding large companies, but what about your own security? Obviously, this...
A recent report that studied the TV watching and cord-cutting behaviors of viewers in the Unites States highlights the acceleration of people choosing to terminate their paid-TV services at such a rate that they predict that by the end of 2018 nearly 5.4 million...
Your internet does a lot more than stream television and check email. With an internet connection you have the capability to access high-quality, high-tech resources for everything from health and fitness to organization to self-improvement. Apps and other online...
Summer’s heat can be fun when you’re heading to the beach or out for a picnic, but not so much fun when it comes to utility bills. It makes sense that as energy use goes up during the summer, so does your bills. That’s why we’ve put together this list of easy ways to...
Summer heat – it wilts flowers, melts ice cream, and makes your internet stop working. Two of these statements are true, but the last one not so much. While summer heatwaves can affect your internet, it’s not a common issue and usually easily addressed. Here’s how...
In the past when rural homes or businesses wanted internet access, their only option was satellite service. While it was quick and easy to install, the downside was incredibly slow service resulting from data being transmitted to and from an orbiting satellite. As...